by Jonathan Bennett | Jan 7, 2014 (Updated Jan 28, 2018)
Overview A common request when creating automated desktop builds or custom maintenance tools is the ability detect if the main system drive is an SSD disk or not. This information can be used to configure a system in a particular way. For example, to run (or not run)...
by Jonathan Bennett | Nov 21, 2013 (Updated Jan 28, 2018)
GImageX v2.1.0 has been released. GImageX is a graphical user interface for the ImageX tool from the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK). ImageX is used to capture and apply WIM images for Windows deployments. GImageX uses the supported Microsoft...
by Jonathan Bennett | Feb 2, 2012 (Updated Jan 29, 2018)
Overview Using USMT In System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM / ConfigMgr) when performing an Operating System Deployment (OSD) can be a bit of a chore. The built in Task Sequence actions available for capturing and restoring user state only allow you to perform a...
by Jonathan Bennett | Feb 1, 2012 (Updated Jan 29, 2018)
Overview In System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM / ConfigMgr) when performing an Operating System Deployment (OSD) there is usually some form of user data and settings migration. This is often performed using the Microsoft User State Migration Toolkit (USMT)....
by Jonathan Bennett | Jan 30, 2012 (Updated Jan 25, 2018)
Overview In System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM / ConfigMgr) something I’ve done a few times is to create a BitLocker partition for Windows 7 during an Operating System Deployment (OSD) Task Sequence. I’ve seen the method used here a few times...